
Self-Catering Accommodation

Kokerboom is a 2-bedroom/1-bathroom house in Klein Renosterkop that is available to rent on a nightly basis as a self-catering unit.  Linen, towels, cutlery, and crockery are included.

Open-Plan Kitchen and Living Room

The heart of the house is an open plan consisting of the kitchen, the living room, and the braai.

Full Kitchen

There is a full-size refrigerator, an electric stove with four plates and an oven, a microwave, and cutlery and crockery.

Living Room with Braai

The living room and braai open onto a small stoep at the back of the house.

Master Bedroom

The master bedroom has a double bed.


The second bedroom has two single beds.

Full Bathroom

The bathroom hosts a full-size bath tub and a separate shower.


Kokerboom rents as a unit from R1,500 a night.  It sleeps up to four people, but additional guests can be discussed.  Bed linens, towels, cutlery, and crockery are provided.  You can book a reservation by sending us an email at kleinrenosterkop@zeekoesteek.co.za or through AirBnB, LekkeSlaap, Afristay, or SafariNow.  Check out our reviews on Lekke Slaap, Safari Now, and AirBnB to see how past guests have felt about their stays.

Klein Renosterkop in Augrabies received a Certificate of Excellence Award on Afristay.